Guest Blogging

Hello All!
Want to wow us with your makeup skills?  Got a particularly terrific outfit you want to share?  
Well we'd love to see it!  E-mail us a portion of the post you'd like to share, along with your fully edited pictures, and we'd love to look it over!

Here are the guest bloggers we've hosted:

{1} Anna is a fifteen year old actress living in a town right outside of St. Louis.  She attends a classical school.  Because of her interest in acting, she's had to become somewhat of an expert through trial and error with stage makeup.  She's here to tell you how she's taken those steps from the stage and has translated them into her every day life.  Read her post here!

{2}  Lillian is a sixteen year old blogger who enjoys designing clothing, rain, tea drinking, cooking, baking, dancing, reading, singing and dearly loves her friends, family and savior Jesus Christ.  Read her post here!